The attic is a place dedicate to share my passion :costuming and sewing.I'm not a professional or expert seamstress,only the mother of young kids who love sewing.You won't find 100% historical costume,museum replica, perfection or extreme thing here.

I believe everyone who bring some goodwill can sew and enjoy it.The attic is an unpretentious place .I show my work, information and hope it could somehow inspired you.Feel free to leave comment or share idea.Be welcome and visit as much as you want.

vendredi 27 juillet 2012


My first references are always books because I can bring it next to the sewing machine.On the another hand ,  e-museums have much more pictures or close-up of historical garment .They  can also give you more informations on the daily life of people of an era.I thought it will be nice to make a list of interesting museum which have online archive .With time I may discover more of them and will add it.If some of the link doesn't work , please let me know .If you know a museum I should add to this list send me the name and link to it and I could possibly add it .

Colonial Williamsburg ( CW)
Kent state university museum
The Charleston museum
The fashion institute of design and merchandising ( FIDM)
The fashion institute of New York city
The Kyoto costume institute (KCI)
The metropolitan museum (MET)
The Victoria and Albert (V&A )

2 commentaires:

  1. Tu peux aussi ajouter celui-ci à ta liste:

  2. Le lien est déjà là ,c'est le fashion institute of New York city.Le lien est juste moins directe .Merci quand même.
