The attic is a place dedicate to share my passion :costuming and sewing.I'm not a professional or expert seamstress,only the mother of young kids who love sewing.You won't find 100% historical costume,museum replica, perfection or extreme thing here.

I believe everyone who bring some goodwill can sew and enjoy it.The attic is an unpretentious place .I show my work, information and hope it could somehow inspired you.Feel free to leave comment or share idea.Be welcome and visit as much as you want.

lundi 15 juin 2009

What to do with leftover fabric

After many years of buying fabric I do realize I have so much of left-over fabric.So I thought maybe I can do something usefull with it.

I first did a triangle of fabric with an embroided pattern to wear which replace an hat (something obligatory in my job).One different for each day and very pratical when you are late and didn't have the time to take a shower before you go to work or school.

My gandfather like painting by number and my mom too.Both of them have many paint brush but no case to put them.I made two differents models for , a small and a larger with tassel.To be usefull I made it from a light fabric(linen) and put a button to close it.It can be roll and take a minimum of space.To made it you need one , two or three pieces of fabric .In the picture, the pale blue at right is made from one piece.The dark blue with white tassel is made of three piece , two for the case and one for the top.I add some compartment and use a different color of tread to make a contrast.Their new owner like them and it is less expensive to made it.A little gift much appreciate.

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