The attic is a place dedicate to share my passion :costuming and sewing.I'm not a professional or expert seamstress,only the mother of young kids who love sewing.You won't find 100% historical costume,museum replica, perfection or extreme thing here.

I believe everyone who bring some goodwill can sew and enjoy it.The attic is an unpretentious place .I show my work, information and hope it could somehow inspired you.Feel free to leave comment or share idea.Be welcome and visit as much as you want.

lundi 15 octobre 2012

I feel bad

Hi everyone,

                    Today I should normally post something new but I'm really sick.Friend and family know I'm rarely sick so I don't have energy to work on the different post I'm preparing.I just want to say I will post something friday and right after I wrote this , I'm going to bed.

I try to take care of myself and all of you should wear a coat and scarf when going outside.Take care of yourself and don't get a cough or flu.It sucks.

Good night

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