The attic is a place dedicate to share my passion :costuming and sewing.I'm not a professional or expert seamstress,only the mother of young kids who love sewing.You won't find 100% historical costume,museum replica, perfection or extreme thing here.

I believe everyone who bring some goodwill can sew and enjoy it.The attic is an unpretentious place .I show my work, information and hope it could somehow inspired you.Feel free to leave comment or share idea.Be welcome and visit as much as you want.

lundi 16 avril 2012

A jewel : High style

High style : masterworks from the Brooklyn museum costume collection at the Metropolitan museum of art

By Jan Glier Reeder 256 pages

I receive this book as a gift for christmas.Wow ! It's a delight for the eyes.When you open the book you saw a lot of pictures which give you an idea of what's coming next.Put it on your wish list.

What I like

This book is full of historicals pictures , in color of course.You have a short description and a date of the object.There is a section for doll and for what every women like : shoes.The main attraction is all the place is mostly for picture , so if you're looking for inspiration or need to see detail it's a good ressource.It's really a delight for the eyes there is no other way to describe it.

What I didn't like

Some gown are so amazing . It's too bad because some picture will show you only one view and not the traditionnal front , back and side.This really dissapointed me because it did not allow to see the entire thing and hide details you want to see.

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