I didn't post as much as I wish to do.My honey is sometimes glue to the computer but I have a lot to post .I have more free time during the summer so I will try to use it.
Fabric which need ironing.I spend an hour to do it .I had enough leftover to do an entire new kimono which make me happy.Am I going to fit in is another question .
A recent buy , a wonderfull felt hat from somewhere in the 60's.I'm doing a complete cleanup and restauration job on it .I will have a post later on that.
I'm also preparing my costume for the picnic.Mine will be something I buy but I'm excited about it.It will arrive by UPS today.I do have many things to post so come soon.Have a nice and sunny day everyone.
It was a tasty cake too and it lasted a whole 11 days. ;)